Wednesday I left work early because I was just not feeling well. I pull up to my house-that only has street parking- and there are no spots on my side of the road. I pull a U-turn and park on the other side of the street. I hate parking there. Why? Because at 7am it becomes a no parking zone. The meter maid and tow truck are there promptly at 7:01am ready to get people. All of my roommates have been towed before, and I have almost been towed before. Being ill as I was I just decided I would move it later. I needed nourishment and sleep. So... I spent the rest of the evening getting some well-needed rest and doing some laundry and cleaning.
Fast forward to Thursday morning. I woke up refreshed and exuberant about my day! Today is a NEW day! I walked outside to meet up with my darling Hugo and was instantaneously struck with the fact that I did NOT move Hugo, and he certainly was NOT across the street. So I calmly decided to walk up the street. There are times I have had to park a few blocks away and maybe I am confused about where I left my car.
Well this wasn't the case. I just continued walking all the way up the street and ended up just walking all the way to work. Luckily I only work a mile away. I proudly kept my cool. I got to work and googled where my car may have been taken. I located Hugo, arranged a ride, and was off. And all very calmly, I might add!
Of course the rain is pouring as soon as I get in my friend's car. Then we get lost in Baltimore. Then we knew where the damn impound lot was, but could not get in because Baltimore and its wretched 83 ramps and stuff are confusing. We finally arrived and I was in line waiting. I calmly waited FOREVER, even though there were only 2 people ahead of me. Then I notice a big fat sign: they essentially only accept cash. However it was my lucky day because there was a cheap-o ATM with ridiculous fees right behind me. But I refused to withdraw until I knew the amount. I then heard the man tell this lady her total, "$282.00." I was paralyzed. This was the moment I was now only acting calm and collected. I knew for a fact I only had $200 in my account. I said, "Umm, excuse me sir...Sir? Is that the normal price?" Surely this woman did something truly horrendous, like park in one of those pregnant lady spots while not being pregnant. Or maybe she parked across TWO handicapped spots. Something truly bad in the realm of parking. These hopes were dashed when he responded, "It is sometimes $272.00, it just depends."
What am I gonna do? I ran out to my friend's car and started making phone calls. Everyone I know was broke. DAMNIT! This is when I broke down and started to cry. I thought I would make it through this ordeal stressed, but dry eyed- afterall "I am a new woman!" Luckily a friend was able to help me out with some 20s. Thank you God. I went back in and emptied my bank account and awaited my destiny. By the time it was my turn, there was a steady stream of tears, but I am ardently trying to speak. I was was so mad at myself for crying. My total: $282.00. DAMNIT!!!!! I handed over my money and I only had $260.00. After a frantic phone call, my friend that drove me ran in and handed me a 20. God bless his soul. I was shaking and stammering andwas a hot mess. This is when I really broke down. There was a lady there to catch the breeze with the man behind the glass and they were chatting merrily as I was having a nervous breakdown. Meanwhile, the security guard chick did not taking her eye off me. Then he said, do you have 2 more dollars? DAMNIT! I didn't. I start digging through my bag. Everyone: the man behind the glass, security chick, and chatty cathy, were all watching me as I have snot and tears running down my bloated and red face and was digging through my purse for change. I am truly an UGLY crier. Truly ugly. And unfortunately I had given 50cents to a homeless man at the gas station, and some other change to the change jar at my studio. DAMN me for my giving nature! I was a mere 75 cents short.
I called my friend again... "Do you have 2 dollars?" I felt like the biggest ass. My friend left work to take me to get my car, already let me hold some money and now I am calling hysterically for 2 dollars. I was really trying to hold it together too. I genuinely was. I was coaching myself, "MAN UP SARAH! MAN UP! ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS!" But a new sob would inevitable follow. The man behind the glass heard me on the phone and I guess decided to charge me the "reduced rate" of $272.00. But I was grateful! God bless his soul. I ended up getting change back-which I gave to my friend. I already owed other people some money from this mess, the less the better! When I left they all were still looking at my like a zoo animal. Chatty cathy said, "I hope you feel better hon." I think the security chic thought I was about to go apeshit, she watched me through the window until I left the lot. lol.
FINALLY! After a mile walk, getting drenched, being lost in Baltimore, hitting up friends and fam for money like a freaking beggar, causing a scene, emptying my bank account, and getting snot all over my sweater, we were reunited!!!
moral of the story: $282.00????? Forreal Baltimore? With that kind of money being made there should NOT be giant ass pot holes all over the city! goodness gracious I am officially broke.
moral of the story 2: good friends really come in handy-appreciate them!
moral of the story 3: sometimes a few tears can save you 10 bucks- Shout out to the man behind the glass! woop woop!
i'm sorry this happened sarah. u and hugo do go through a lot! thats ur ride or die homie. im sure they see people crying all the time with those prices lol