This week, we are getting a little deep people!
"To accomplish much you must first lose everything."
-Che Guevara
This is one of those quotes that has many layers. We all know our Che basic facts, and can therefore draw our initial conclusion about what he is referring to. If you do not know about Che Guevara, please check out this info: Che Guevara
To me, a truly effective quote is like art: it means something different to different people. For those of you who do not know me, or know me all that well, my DREAM is to be a successful actress. No, more accurately, to be so successful in the entertainment industry that I become an icon. I have always been a storyteller. I have always been a ham too. I am my most happiest when I am connecting and sharing. I would love to touch the lives of millions of people by being an educated and knowledgeable entertainer, humanitarian, and human being.
I believe that to achieve that, I have to become not only a great artist in my craft, but the best person possible. Power means responsibility. It is imperative that I lose all the crap fed to me through media, culture, and society. A happy person, in their true form, does not always align with what we are taught. A woman's role, a man's role, children's view of their parents, a person's relationship with God, what material things we "need", the figure that makes us beautiful (but not healthy), are all things taught to us. I want to lose those preconceived notions and truly relearn to listen to my body, and retrain my mind to think clearly.
We do not have to be what they say, or eat what they tell us to eat, or believe what the media and gov tell us to believe about lands far away. If I do not lose everything I have been taught (by those with an agenda), than I cannot effectively achieve the greatness I aspire towards.
We often accept and celebrate definitions of ourselves that are negative. This is my call to everyone to lose the weights of your definition imposed from others and accomplish the greatness we all have inside of us to be truly amazing human beings!
(ok, i am off my soapbox for now! And done with the run on sentences too! lol)
pic above: two pics of mine, Photoshopped ( a stormy sky and quote written in my journal )
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