Friday, August 5, 2011

Letters to Jesus

I was the "idea girl" when we were growing up-which isn't saying much. Unless we were with Katie K, I was the de facto leader of the group. One day Missy, me, and our cousin Danielle were at my stepmom's house (before she was my stepmom- I suppose she was my Dad's gf at that time) and we were bored. I don't know who originally brought up writing letters to Jesus, but it became imperative!

After a few moments discussion the issue of delivery came up. This was no issue for me. When I was a kid and Missy or Danielle asked me a question, whatever popped in my head I took to be the truth. What happened to pop into my head at that moment was simple:

We merely need to throw our letter up in the air so the wind can catch them and take them right up to Heaven.

This theory was questioned by my obviously novice-to-Jesus-letter-writing-little-sister. However, I let her know that God controls the wind, so he will know our plan and make sure they make it up into the clouds where heaven is located. Duh!

In case you want an exact layout of my master plan, please look below:

In this Diagram you can see each step mapped out. Utter genius if I do say so myself. (brushing shoulders off)

And we did just that. The whole time laughing and giggling at this incredibly awesome plan. We didn't mention our plan to Trisha (stepmom) or anyone because we wanted to surprise them. We made a LOT of letters. I mean a lot. This was in case a few got lost in wind, insurance is always good for this type of thing.

It turned out to not be a windy day. After throwing them up in the air, they all came RIGHT back down. Missy and Danielle asked me what we should do. I thought about it a second. "Nothing, God knows our plan, he will get them." We all went back inside.

I don't think God knew our plan, because it did not work. A little while later my stepmom started yelling at us about trash all over the yard, and all the neighbors yards, etc. At first I was like, "trash??? I don't know anything at all about any TRASH." I was really perplexed.

We go outside, and our letters to Jesus were ALL OVER THE PLACE. My stepmom's neighborhood was in an area with row houses that had tiny little yards, but the people of the neighborhood took really good care of their little patches. It was all very tidy- but compact and close. The wind picked them up alright...and dropped them all over the neighborhood. It was a disaster. I tried to explain what were up to, but no one wanted to hear it. They MUST have thought I was special.

It was pretty upsetting that God didn't make sure the wind got our letters to Jesus. When the three of us finally got done picking up all the "trash," we had a pow wow. After a bit of discussion I told Missy and Danielle, "Don't worry, God knew what we were trying to do... that's good enough."

They agreed.

Moral of the story: Sometimes it is the thought that counts. (oh and not all ideas are good ideas! haha)


  1. OMG ... you are special alright ! You wonder why I was a maniac?!?!
    I bet you all didn't co to Chuckie Cheese that day either!

  2. You guys get an A for effort (and having a plan) At least these weren't letters to boooooys hehehe.
