Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Rat!

When my sister and I were younger we were very different people from each other. We are much more a like now, but then, we were waaaay different. I was the independent, bossy, take charge, outgoing, amiable older sister. Missy was sweet, quiet, very shy and timid, and afraid. Especially afraid of getting in trouble. If you read my blog you know Missy is a good person to have your back. However, I would not ask her to lie. I am not telling Missy if I ever commit murder because she can NOT lie. Even to this day. So imagine when she was younger. Not only could she not lie, she couldn't break the rules. Here is a diagram that explains the two of us in very basic terms:

Please note that we are both probably wearing jelly shoes and our hair was almost never this tidy. We were rambunctious children to say the least. Also, my arms are crossed in an "I'm the cool sister" way (in case you couldn't tell)

One day we were at breakfast eating some oatmeal that Trisha (my stepmom) made us. At some point I wanted to get up from the table but Trisha said, "When you finish your oatmeal." She then walked out of the kitchen. After a whole bunch of that's not fair talk between Missy and I, I decided I was DONE! I told Missy my plan to dump my oatmeal in the trash. Missy was aghast! "Sarah! don't you'll get caught! Don't do it!" I was not hearing it. I got up and while Missy earnestly tried to plead with me I strategically dumped my oatmeal in the trashcan. By "strategically" I mean, down along the side, and using my spoon to brush other waste on top, and then crinkling up a few napkins and putting those on top of it all. Remember, my step mom is a sharp cookie. So I knew I had to go the extra mile. Missy watched wide-eyed and terrified. Then I confidently put my bowl in the sink and walked out of the kitchen proudly. On the way out the door I told Missy, "You better not say anything!!!" after she tried to plead with me to stay with her.

I went somewhere and played happily with something I am sure. Only a couple of minutes later Missy showed up with a smile on her face. I KNEW she didn't finish her oatmeal! She was notorious for multi-hour standoffs at the kitchen table with food she did not want to eat. I questioned her and she said she did it too, with a giggle. I had a really bad feeling. "You hid it right? You didn't just dump it on top?!" She looked horrified, "Yeah I just dumped it!" I was devastated! I knew she was going to get us caught. Being as we weren't very good at being sneaky, we decided to not venture back into the danger zone. Nothing is worse then being caught red handed.

I have drawn up a diagram to show you how creative my oatmeal tossing was in comparison to Missy:

Please note that mine was hidden deep down with articles on top. Missy literally dumped her bowl contents on the TOP and even left the lid open! Not sneaky

Hoping for the best we went about our day. Hours later we were with Trisha at some store. Missy was in the shopping cart, and I was walking next to it. Both of us had all but forgotten about our brush with adventure that morning. Out of nowhere Trisha said, "So, I was going to take you girls to Chuckie Cheese today, but someone dumped their oatmeal in the trash this morning. Missy?"

CHUCKIE CHEESE??? OH EMM GEE! The worst thing to lose is Chuckie Cheese! We loved it there. It was the holy land of awesomeness, prizes, pizza, games, a ball pit! And STUPID Missy ruined it all for both of us. I didn't know if I was in the clear, but I was blown.

Immediately following Trisha's comment I see a stubby little finger pointing at me. It was attached to my little sister sporting a horrified face. A face that I then hear spout, "SARAH DID IT FIRST!!!!"

I was shocked and appalled! She literally ratted me out so fast that I hadn't taken a breath to recover from the shock of loosing Chuckie Cheese. She cracked under the "pressure." She wasn't even questioned about my involvement! Let's pause and comment on the fact that Trisha knew it was Missy. That's all I'm saying.

At the end of the day, my little sister narked on me, and we didn't go to Chuckie Cheese!

Don't commit crimes in front of little sisters


  1. You are just stupid and your little sister too! The Chuckie Cheese dangle in front of your face always got you! Lol.

  2. hahaha! i know u would just say that to get us! and it worked every time! way to go evil step mother! lol
    love u patty cake!

  3. Little sisters are interesting but I have to admit that my sis (Angie) was ride or die with me! Unfortunately we weren't really bad so we couldn't take advantage of the ride or dieness lol
