White-haired grandmom/Grandmom B/Grandmom Bernero (Dad's mom)
Grandmom Tony/Grandmom T (Mom's Mom)
Grandmania (Stepmom's Mom)
Nana (Mom's Stepmom)
Great Grandmom/Grandmom Calise (Mother's grandmother)
Great Great Grandmom/ Ya-ya (Mother's great-grandmother-whom I don't really remember but apparently I knew when I was a toddler-knew enough to make a scene at her funeral, but that's another blog entry)
Miss Connie (This one is complicated: My mom's boyfriend's mom- even though my mom and him are no longer together I still consider them my fam)
+numerous other adopted grandmoms, like my HS friend Alicia-whose grandmom I call Granny
I have decided now, before even having children, that I will be called either Mimi or Nonna when I am a granny.
And there were more, I just don't remember them. I have met most of my great grandparents. Despite the fact that I have many grandmas, they are all really unique and different-they all even had different "grandma" names. They range from Italian, Polish, Black (I am not even polish or black), Irish, southern, northern, immigrants, etc. Without a doubt, the most unique of all around would be my G-mom Tony (full name Antoinette). She has many triats that make her unique, but one of the funniest/most entertaining is her gift giving. She is notorious for her presents.
Let's break it down:
REASON 1: re-gifting
My g-mom T has given me, my sister and my cousins our own stuff, and each other's stuff. Coloring books that have been colored in, books that already had our names in them from three Christmases ago, movies we watched a million times, old clothes we barely even fit anymore and accidentally left at her house, a doll I played with so many times that its hair is matted and clothes are faded, you name it! The most scandalous, of course, was when she would give us each other's stuff. When we opened a gift and it was an apparently-used-but-new-to-us item we were really excited and just assumed she got them from a second hand store. We would play with them merrily and happily. Then, one fateful day, me and Missy, and Jenn and Tiffany (my two cousins) would all be at g-mom T's on the same day.
Sarah, "Tiffany, wanna play Barbies?"
Tiff, "Yeah sure"
Sarah, "Ok, here is my Barbie! Isnt she soooo pretty?!"
Tiff, "Wait a minute! THAT'S MY BARBIE!"
Sarah, "not-uh! Grandmom gave me this barbie for my birthday!!!!"
Tiff, "She CAN'T give you MY Barbie, I don't care if it was your birthday!"
This is just a sample. Insert any of our names in the spaces and it could work. As we got older replace Barbie with shirt, necklace, dresser, etc. It all works.
This diagram represent a typical birthday gift from g-mom Tony to me. Contains: my cousin's much used and old doll accidentally left at grandmom's last time she was there. She will never know what happened to this doll. Coloring books I not only already wrote my name all over, but colored in most of the pictures.
REASON 2: "But I got it for 25cents at Goodwill!"
My g-mom T equates a sale with necessity. She will go to Goodwill and buy 15 shirts for $3 and is thus convinced that we would all just DIE to have it. These gifts are not really connected with a holiday or normal gift giving reason. It does include those type of events, but is not limited to.
The scene goes something like this: We show up at g-mom T's house. Within the first few minutes she says, "And before you leave, I have some things for you girls!" We spend the rest of the visit trying out best avoid the topic because we do not want to remind her. Invariably, it is a large Christmas gift bag (no matter the time of year) filled with "goodies" from Goodwill and some old VHS tapes she had around the house. We know what awaits us. Right when we leave, at the last possible moment, she always remembers. "Girls! wait! Don't forget your gifts!!"
In the olden days we always went a long with it. But after years of piled up garments that didn't fit (she is ALWAYS shocked she didn't get the right size), that were ugly (but this IS the latest fashion girls, I see it in all the magazines!), or for a grown business woman (from the 90s) even though I was only 10, old nicknacks, stained books, and other such items we started to get REAL with her. But, it was pointless. All the NOs in the world will not stop her. As we try to discretely unload our christmas bag, she comes along and adds more stuff in. I have "accidentally" forgotten my stuff many times. This leads to her running out of the house as we are pulling off. But all the ugly 25 cent clothes in the world are not enough to make you coldly drive away from your running grandmom lugging giant christmas bags! The more aggressive we are, the more she is: "JUST TAKE THE DAMN THINGS! I won't buy you anything else then!" Then we feel guilty, even though we ALL know she will have more stuff for us when we come back.
This diagram represent a random gift. G-mom was out doing her rounds at goodwill and found this little number and thought that at 10 years old this was just the business suit I needed. Please note the 1982 shoulder pads. When I was 10 it was 1995. "Where would I wear this grandmom?" She then shrugs and says, "I don't know, something will come up, JUST TAKE IT!!" Please know this garment is preceded by 20 other garments that are just as fabulous- by now she is pissed that I am turning stuff down.
REASON 3: Family Heirlooms
Somehow, my G-mom T finds herself in possession of furniture and items that once belonged to my great and great great grandmoms (they were both born in Italy and brought some stuff from there), my great Uncle Ben and Aunt Dee (He traveled the world as a marine in like the 50s or something and had all kinds of cool crazy stuff), and other elderly family that was born somewhere else or traveled, or was wealthy, whatever the case. So we all (my cousins, mom, sister, myself) all often go on treasure hunts around her house. She has three bedrooms in her current abode we all do a general sweep every time we go there. Most of the time g-mom T will gladly pre-gift you a piece of furniture you cannot currently take. There are risks to this of course. She will most likely tell someone else they can have it at a later date. One time I wanted this desk that was my great great grandmothers and once it was pre-given to me, I had to call her often to remind her NOT to give it to anyone else. She was baffled that I would even assume she would do such a thing, but promised. One time when I was visiting her and mentioned the desk my cousin Jennifer was there and broke out in anger! "Grandmom! You told me I could have that!" Luckily, that time, g-mom stuck by giving it to me. It's always a coin toss. In the end I actually got the desk, in my possession- out of her house. woop woop!
This diagram represent little treasure discovered by one of us. G-mom either wont give it up yet or told us we can have it when she dies. So we have all decided, asked, and been told that it can be ours. Hence our imaginary name tags. We all have many items currently at my g-mom T's house that we "own" and will fight about.
REASON 4: The Rare Gem
Despite it all, every once in a while my g-mom T stumbles across something really cool, unique or awesome. See, it isn't that Goodwill, the Salvation Army, the sales rack at Kmart, and various yard sales don't have cool things. It is just that not EVERYTHING there is a treasure, despite the low price. It is rare indeed that she finds something we want, but an awesome win for whoever gets it. All else are jealous beyond measure. You NEVER know when it will happen either. It is purely luck. Even though we are jealous, we are also happy for that person to a degree, because it was a triumph. lol.
Much congratulations are offered to the lucky winner and my g-mom as well. We are pretty honest with her about the stuff she gives us- so it is important we let her know when she was victorious. This may fuel her more, I don't know, but you can only be so negative to ur granny until your just WAITING for a reason to be positive. Afterall, she means well.
This diagram represents the extremely rare diamond in the ruff. It is just something she found, she doesn't know where or when, and she thought you might like. It was almost missed because it was in a random small box thing that hidden under some shirt you do NOT like. This has lead all of us to actually become pretty thorough with our searches through our stuff. Sometimes we don't even find the treasure until we are home and have had a chance to sort through what we intend on dropping at a Goodwill.
I abosultely LOVE my grandmom Tony. Over the years the gift giving has been a nuisance, annoying, has caused many follow up trips by us to drop stuff back off at a Goodwill, and led to many many fights. But it has also been the source of great stories, a lot of laughter, some treasures, and discovering history of our family story. Her gift giving is shockingly notorious (no exaggeration), and from her heart.
I also think that the cycle of items in and out of Goodwill through our family probably helps keep them in business.
Detail of portion of lid of box that belonged to great grandmother. I use it as my "treasure chest" to keep small mementos and stuff in.
A cool watch with Native American/"western" theme- even has turquoise beads. I love this watch! She recently gave me a pair of turquoise and silver (not real sliver) earrings that I like to wear with this watch. I got the two pieces like 10 years a part- but this is the magic of g-mom T gifts!
A cool watch with Native American/"western" theme- even has turquoise beads. I love this watch! She recently gave me a pair of turquoise and silver (not real sliver) earrings that I like to wear with this watch. I got the two pieces like 10 years a part- but this is the magic of g-mom T gifts!
Moral: appreciate all aspects of family, and cherish the elder ones. SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE GRANNIES OUT THERE!
NOTE: later this week I will be adding a pic of me, Missy and grandmom Tony