When I was in college, me and a small group of friends would sometimes go to the waffle house in the middle of the night. The waffle house was like 30 mins away, but every once in a while we couldn’t stand it anymore and would make the trip.
One night our friend Ryan told us some stories of his days working at Chuck e Cheese. Needless to say, they were all pretty funny. But one story was the greatest of them all! Even though his job was to make the pizzas, he sometimes had to fill in for whoever was supposed to be playing Chuckie. Unfortunately, he did not know the chuckie dances, so would make up other dances. He would do the harlem shake, crypt walk, etc. He hated doing it, but the kids loved it. The regular Chuckie was white, and Ryan is black. Some of the regular kids knew who was wearing the suit by the dance moves. It got to the point that they would request him as “the black chuckie”. Or complain to their moms that this chuckie wasn’t as good as “the black chuckie.” Please note that they never saw his skin, they just intrinsically knew.
Everyone was dying laughing at this story. This friend of mine actually knew my mom pretty well, and she thought he was hilarious. So after we made fun of him for a while I threatened to call my mom and tell her the embarrassing story if he didn’t show us some of his famous Chuckie dance movies. He refused to comply. After joking around a bit about the threat, it kinda became intense and I was NOT going to back down. While waving my phone in the air with my thumb hovering over the call button I commanded him to dance right there in the waffle house!
He adamantly refused. So I called my mom. At 2 am. On a weeknight. To tell her the ”black dancing chuckie” story. I did wake her up, but she loved the story. We were all laughing all over again. Then I let my mom go back to sleep.
About 15 mins later my phone rang, and it was my mom. She was upset and it took me a minute to get the story out of her. Apparently, once she got off the phone, she realized she smelled something. The whole house was filled with carbon monoxide. So she called 911 and they were on their way, but she was kinda freaked out. So we paid our bill and went over to her house. She was (quit comically despite the situation) sitting out in the car with two dogs, a cat and a giant bird cage holding a parrot.
After the fire trucks and everything cleared we got the full scoop. The leak had not been happening very long when I called, but it was long enough for her to smell it. Another hour or so and all the animals would have died. She would have without a doubt not made it until morning. If I had not called her that night she would have died. His hilarious story and my jerky decision to wake my mom up in the middle of the night saved her life!!!
God sure works in mysterious ways! Shout out to all those ppl out there dressed as Chuck e Cheese, dancing for kids nationwide. Your stories may save someone’s life one day! HAHAHAHAAHAHA!
ps. everyone needs a carbon monoxide detector and smoke detector! Pets and children are especially vulnerable.
Can the moral of the story be that everyone should also see the black Chuck E dance at some point in their lives?
ReplyDeleteand p.s. Girl! You missed my party!!!!!
No longer my fav!
this proves two undeniable points:
ReplyDeletewhite people cannot dance.
chuck e cheese simultaneously poison's children with pizza and saves animals and parents from certain death.
i believe it is chuck e cheese who works in mysterious ways, not god
Dude, you're crazy, and I forgot how good of storyteller you are. I'm glad your mom and pets are okay.