During my childhood, I spent a lot of time at daycare. It was always interesting. In fact, I am sure I will have numerous stories to share with you guys about it. But today, I have a little story for you about a certain Billy Johnson, and my sister Missy. Billy Johnson was the only boy at daycare during that time. I was probably in the second or third grade, so Missy was in K or first. He loved to pick on us and try and make us cry. He was the person that made me embarrassed about my (very Italian) very dramatic hand gestures when I spoke. I had actually never noticed it until he tormented me about it. And in case you are new to my blog, Missy and I certainly did not get along. Of course we stuck together at times, but I often ignored her. I was pretty mean to her. We literally argued about EVERYTHING. Any time there was an opportunity, we fought about it. "Stop touching me!" was a common fight kick off. You can ask anyone in my family... in fact, after college when we decided to live together everyone "strongly advised against it." It was quite the scandal!
Daycare was no exception. One day we were all out back and Billy Johnson kept cutting me off and being mean to me. Me, Missy, Billy Johnson and Rachel (his sister) were standing there and Billy Johnson would not stop. He relentlessly picked at me. I eventually cracked! I started to cry. I don’t really remember what happened exactly after that, but I know that I quickly got over it. There were only the 4 of us our age to play with, so I didn’t have many options. Fast forward a few hours, Billy Johnson and I were having a jumping off of the swings contest. After a few fun rounds, we were gently swinging, preparing to really get the swinging momentum going again, when all of the sudden Billy Johnson jerks back.
As my good friend Sofia Petrillo (Golden Girls) used to say: "Picture it," little cherub faced, blonde haired, big blue innocent eyed little girl name Missy. Well, do not be fooled! Missy had her little arms around Billy Johnson's neck, and had pulled back as hard as she could. As he was hanging on for dear life to the chains of the swings, little Missy was seriously trying to kill Billy Johnson.
There was a moment of pause as we recuperated from the shock. Then Rachel and I run to get the daycare lady, “MISSY IS CHOKING BILLY ON THE SWINGS!!!!” this moment always makes me appreciate daycare ladies worldwide. Can you imagine hearing that? LOL! In the end, Billy Johnson did not die. And Missy would not even speak to anyone. No one knew what the hell happened to her. This was definitely out of character. She was happy go lucky, but very shy and quiet. We spent the rest of the day trying to figure it out, but she was quarantined from us.
Finally, my Dad came and picked us up. Apparently, when my dad asked why she choked Billy, her response was, “He made Sarah cry.”
Que the tender moment! AAAwwwwwwwwww! I didn't even know that Missy cared that he made me cry! And side note: there was a while in between the crying incident and the choke out. She was brewing about this for a seriously long time, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. I was completely over it, but Missy obviously was not. I wonder if my parents were a bit concerned. It mattered not to me that she maliciously calculated the perfect moment to strike revenge, because I was so moved that she stuck up for me- her big sister. Plus, I appreciate the fact that she truly committed to the revenge- not a slap, not a kick, not mean words, but straight to the death strike! She was ready to serve that juvi for me- that is ride or die for sure. LOL!!!
I love you Missy
moral of the story: family can pick and fight at each other, but they don't stand for other people messing with their fam.
picture above: me and missy at my birthday shin-dig at fridays this year. We have grown up a lot. Don't forget, mess with me and you mess with Missy the Strangler!!!! Don't mess with the Bernero Girls!