Please enjoy our little pic. Look at that bumper! BEAUTIFUL! (ignore that scratch though- that is like the one thing I had nothing to do with, the car came with that one) KISSABLE! lol
I thought maybe you were curious about what happened to Hugo. He went to the car emergency room / my mechanic
Let's list the work that was done:
new headlight
new gasket thing
side mirror reattached
bumper reattached
exhaust had something done (idk what exactly- im not good with cars)
AC is up and running again
Big ups to my mechanic! He came to the rescue. I will be posting his info on here...if you live anywhere near Baltimore you should go to him!
SO now I am no longer the jerk driving around with high beams on at night due to only one working headlight, my AC will keep me cool, my engine will not overheat, my bumper won't be falling off, my muffler won't be making those loud noises anymore, and I can see out of my passenger side mirror again!
WOOP WOOP like brand new!
I love and adore my Hugomeister.
I'm glad Hugo wasn't reluctant to some minor reconstructive surgery. Let's hope he doesn't get addicted and feel the need to get some major surgery!